sentry gun
A sentry gun is a weapon that is it can be controlled manually via joystick from inside a bunker while aiming through a live stream video of the aim of the gun also automatically aimed and fired at targets that are detected by sensors.
Mechanism: -
The mechanism of the sentry gun consist of two main parts ; the base and the weapon mount, on the base a dc motor is fixed, on the shaft of the dc motor weapon mount is connected so that the weapon can move its aim in x axis, on the weapon mount horizontally a second dc motor is fixed and the weapon is placed between the arms of the weapon mount connected to the motor shaft through a spur gear which is mechanically connected inside the body of the gun , this second motor helps the weapon to aim in y axis direction.
Controlling; -
We are manually controlling the sentry gun through a playstation 3 sony dual shock;3 controller and atmega 2560 chip microcontroller the lefthatYaxis stick of the controller controls the y axis aiming of the weapon , righthatXaxis stick controls the x axis aiming of the weapon also the ammunition left in the magazine is displayed on the ” Liquid crystal” display over sentry gun , analog button R2 is used to pull the trigger of the weapon
Further , we will be using rasberrypi 3 b+ to enable the autonomous mode of the sentry gun which will be possible by open cv image recognition i.e. “YOLO 2” , then the sentry will be able to autonomously aim at the specified target and shoot .