2017 Best Paper, Joint Award for article titled “Create Your Own Internet of Things: A survey of IoT platforms” by IEEE Consumer Electronics Society.
Appreciation by Texas Instruments under INDIA INNOVATION CHALLENGE Design Contest 2018 for fostering an ecosystem bridging Government, Industry and Academia.
Kiran Jot Singh
2018 Appreciation under India Innovation Challenge Design Contest for mentoring by DST/ Texas Instruments.
2018 Invited as Judge in NASA Space Apps competition.
2018 research team received GPU worth Rs. 1.7 lakh from NVIDIA under GPU Grant Program
2018 Awarded for implementing Innovative teaching learning practices.
2017 Best Paper, Joint Award for article titled “Create Your Own Internet of Things: A survey of IoT platforms” by IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, USA.
2016 Best Teacher of University for carrying out Outstanding Research Activities.
2015 1st position for “Embedded system for two wheelers” at Annual Innovation Day Competition.
2014 Best Teacher of the Department for contribution to teaching, research and extra-curricular activities.
Divneet Singh Kapoor
2017 Best Paper, Joint Award for article titled “Create Your Own Internet of Things: A survey of IoT platforms” by IEEE Consumer Electronics Society.
Best Teacher of the Department awarded by Chandigarh University (2016).
1st Position for “Embedded System for Two Wheelers” at Annual Innovation Day Competition organized by Chandigarh University (2015).
Best Teacher of the Department for contribution to Teaching, Research and Extra-curricular activities awarded by Chandigarh University (2013).
Khushal Thakur
2018 Best Teacher of the Department.
2018 contribution to teaching, research and project activities.
Anshul Sharma
2016 Best Teacher of the Department.
2018 Awarded for implementing Innovative teaching learning practices.
Dr. Paras Chawla
“Coventor Scholarship” awarded by Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Education Foundation (MANCEF), New Mexico-USA for my proposal titled “Performance& Analysis of RF Front Section of Mobile Terminal Using RF MEMS DC Contact Switches”. Under scholarship single annual CoventorWare DESIGNER and CoventorWare ANALYZER MEMS software license will be awarded. The event is organized by MANCEF and Coventor and under the name of conference is “Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS 2010)” held at Albuquerque, New Mexico-USA on 29th Aug-2nd Sep. 2010.
Two times “Tenderfoot Award” collaborated given by American Astronautical Society, American Institute of Aeronautics, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory & Naval Research Laboratory for “CanSat Competition”, June 2015 & 2016, Burkett, Texas, USA.
Two projects are written; one is for AICTE and other is for Department of Science and Technology (DST) of worth 23 Lakh and 99.65 Lakh, respectively.
Worked on sponsored project, IEDC, Department of Science & Technology, as a mentor on “Smart Safety System” of worth one (1.0) lakh.
Milan Preet Singh
Zonal Winner in automation competition organized by Skyfilabs in association with IUCEE 2016
1st in 4 events at TECHNITI 2k16 (NIT Jalandhar TECH FEST).
Participated in the VALEO international challenge 2017, Smart car of 2030.
2nd position all over India in E-YANTRA 2017 conducted by IIT Bombay.
2nd position in Maze solver event of Chandigarh University TECH-INVENT 2017.
1st position in Abdul Kalam innovation Conclave (2017) held by Chandigarh University.
3rd in Engineers Day Project competition held at Chandigarh University
Finalists, among Top 10 in National Instruments (NI) Innovation Challenge.
DST and Texas Instruments Innovation challenge Semifinals (ongoing).
Second prize in Robot Soccer at TRYST-2018 IIT DELHI.
Among Top 50 in CANSAT-2018 organized by AAS sponsored by NASA.
Parshant Kumar
2nd Position in Project Exhibition held at ​Chandigarh University.
Jaskaran Singh
1st Prize in Abhibyakti Fest held at Chandigarh University.
1st Prize in Pratibha Fest held at Chandigarh University.
2nd Prize in Tech Fest held at Chandigarh University.